Truck Pool
Our excellent workmanship and great products can certainly explain why major truck manufacturers have chosen Équipements Twin as one of their suppliers of choice.
Équipements Twin has various distribution arrangements with Ford and General Motors of Canada.

Pool Trucks
Ford and GM has selected Équipements Twin to provide a distribution arrangement called «bailment pool». Under this arrangement, Twin holds a number of unfinished trucks waiting to be outfitted.
The buyer benefits from the partnership for expert purchasing and upfit advice. The dealership’s commercial sales rep and TWIN bailment pool representative share a vast reservoir of knowledge about vehicles used in service jobs.

Twin has also been selected by General Motors of Canada to provide services under an arrangement called ship-through. This process allows General Motors the ability to order chassis and transport vehicles from the producing plant direct to Twin Equipment who outfits them according to specifications. The chassis is then sent back to the manufacturer for shipment to the General Motors dealer. Companies with large fleets spread out over a vast area can take advantage of the ship-through services to enable quality control, consistency, and cost.

Anti Competition Rebate
Ford and GM have selected Équipements Twin to provide special anti competition rebates to customers who wish to upfit their trucks with pre-determined equipment sold by Twin; this is done in partnership with their respective dealerships.